"Labour market institutions, reforms and outcomes: the case of Portugal during the Eurozone crisis"
Tema da minha apresentacao na Universidade de Zurique, no dia 9 de dezembro. Mais informacao aqui.
"The single currency programme exposed considerable differences in competitiveness and institutions
across Euro members. Such differences led to a period of crisis, starting in 2010 that also prompted a
number of institutional reforms. This talk will focus on the case of labour market reforms in Portugal,
drawing on the experience of the speaker as Secretary of State of Employment between 2011 and 2013.
During this period a number of evidence-based policies were introduced, in areas such as employment
protection reform (including individual dismissals, severance pay, working time flexibility, and collective
bargaining extensions), active labour market measures and training. These reforms addressed a number of
shortcomings in the previous institutional framework, which led to high levels of segmentation, youth and
long-term unemployment, and low wages. Following these structural reforms, a number of important
indicators exhibit a pronounced recovery, including the unemployment rate, which has fallen by four
percentage points since 2013."
"The single currency programme exposed considerable differences in competitiveness and institutions
across Euro members. Such differences led to a period of crisis, starting in 2010 that also prompted a
number of institutional reforms. This talk will focus on the case of labour market reforms in Portugal,
drawing on the experience of the speaker as Secretary of State of Employment between 2011 and 2013.
During this period a number of evidence-based policies were introduced, in areas such as employment
protection reform (including individual dismissals, severance pay, working time flexibility, and collective
bargaining extensions), active labour market measures and training. These reforms addressed a number of
shortcomings in the previous institutional framework, which led to high levels of segmentation, youth and
long-term unemployment, and low wages. Following these structural reforms, a number of important
indicators exhibit a pronounced recovery, including the unemployment rate, which has fallen by four
percentage points since 2013."