
Avaliacao de professores - sugestoes da Australia

Pelo Grattan Institute:

"The report examines eight methods of teacher appraisal and suggests that schools use at least four of them to effectively appraise teachers’ performance through a balanced scorecard approach. These methods are student performance and assessments, peer observation and collaboration, direct observation of classroom teaching and learning, student surveys, parent surveys, 360-degree assessment, self-assessment and external observation. The report argues that teacher appraisal and feedback must be decentralised, with individual schools given autonomy and responsibility so that they can assess their own teachers."

Relatorio completo aqui. Sem histerimos ou soberba - uma abordagem equilibrada, flexivel, empirica, e direccionada 'a melhoria das aprendizagens. O binomio descentralizacao/autonomia e responsabilidade tambem me parece muito apropriado.

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