
"Emprego, contratação colectiva de trabalho...

... e protecção da mobilidade profissional em Portugal" - estudo patrocinado pelo Ministerio do Trabalho, coordenado por Antonio Dornelas, que tera sido utilizado como ponto de partida nas negociacoes com os parceiros sociais.

As referencias 'a legislacao laboral limitam-se a sublinhar a grande melhoria nos indicadores nos ultimos anos. Por outro lado, o PEC IV negociado com as instancias europeias (versao texto) diz:

"In order to increase the competitive capacity of the economy and to promote increased labour market flexibility and job creation, the Government and the social partners are finalizing a revision of labour law provisions, in order to reduce severance payments, for new labour market entrants, from current 30 to final 10 days per each year worked, with additional 10 days to be paid by a mutualised employer financed mechanism. Minimum severance pay of 3 months will also be eliminated and a cap of 12 months of total severance will be introduced. These new rules will also be applied to fixed-term contracts. Additionally and on the basis of the lessons learned during the current crisis, a significant ease of industrial crisis lay-off provisions is being negotiated as well as measures to further decentralize collective bargaining to the company level."

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