
Noutros paises a politica tem em conta a investigacao economica

Exemplo recente do Reino Unido: discurso do PM Gordon Brown sobre os efeitos da imigracao:

"There have been disagreements in the past - for example over whether to impose temporary restrictions on eastern European migrants in 2004. But recent research published by the institute of fiscal studies has the first detailed analysis of the contribution to our economy of the eastern Europeans who came to Britain in the last few years - showing that in every year their net contribution was positive - and that even after 5 years here they are over 50 per cent less likely than British people to receive benefits or tax credits and over 40 per cent less likely to live in social housing. They pay 5 per cent more than their share of tax, and account for a third less than their share of the costs of public services."

Trata-se de resultados baseados em investigacao de uma equipa da UCL: mais informacao aqui.

O problema em Portugal sera' o desinteresse dos politicos por analises rigorosas que nao possam controlar - ou a escassez de resultados de interesse produzidos pelos academicos?

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