"In the loop"

Uma interrupcao na economia, a proposito da recensao no NYT sobre o meu muito provavel filme do ano.
Crise da Macroeconomia II
Artigo de Paul de Grauwe no FT de anteontem:
"There is a deeper problem, though, that will be more difficult to resolve. This is the underlying paradigm of macroeconomic models. Mainstream models take the view that economic agents are superbly informed and understand the deep complexities of the world. In the jargon, they have “rational expectations”. Not only that. Since they all understand the same “truth”, they all act in the same way. Thus modelling the behaviour of just one agent (the “representative” consumer and the “representative” producer) is all one has to do to fully describe the intricacies of the world. Rarely has such a ludicrous idea been taken so seriously by so many academics."
Artigo de Paul de Grauwe no FT de anteontem:
"There is a deeper problem, though, that will be more difficult to resolve. This is the underlying paradigm of macroeconomic models. Mainstream models take the view that economic agents are superbly informed and understand the deep complexities of the world. In the jargon, they have “rational expectations”. Not only that. Since they all understand the same “truth”, they all act in the same way. Thus modelling the behaviour of just one agent (the “representative” consumer and the “representative” producer) is all one has to do to fully describe the intricacies of the world. Rarely has such a ludicrous idea been taken so seriously by so many academics."
“Did you do the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model?”
“We learned a lot of junk like that,” responde um estudante de doutoramento de Chicago... Artigo sobre as encruzilhadas na macroeconomia no Economist desta semana.
“We learned a lot of junk like that,” responde um estudante de doutoramento de Chicago... Artigo sobre as encruzilhadas na macroeconomia no Economist desta semana.
"The joy of Sachs"
Paul Krugman no NYT, sobre os lucros da Goldman Sachs e a reforma que continua por fazer do sector financeiro.
Paul Krugman no NYT, sobre os lucros da Goldman Sachs e a reforma que continua por fazer do sector financeiro.
Avaliacoes dos centros de investigacao em Economia e Gestao...
... finalmente ja disponibilizados pela FCT, aqui: entre 28 centros, 5 com classificacao "Excelente" (INOVA/Nova, UNICEE/Catolica, NIPE/Minho, CEMAPRE/ISEG e CEFAGE/Evora) e 6 com classificacao "Muito Bom".
As unidades avaliadas com "Excelente" recebem 5.500 €/ano por investigador doutorado; com "Muito Bom" 4.125 €/ano e com "Bom" 2.750 €/ano.
... finalmente ja disponibilizados pela FCT, aqui: entre 28 centros, 5 com classificacao "Excelente" (INOVA/Nova, UNICEE/Catolica, NIPE/Minho, CEMAPRE/ISEG e CEFAGE/Evora) e 6 com classificacao "Muito Bom".
As unidades avaliadas com "Excelente" recebem 5.500 €/ano por investigador doutorado; com "Muito Bom" 4.125 €/ano e com "Bom" 2.750 €/ano.